After Darkness

3 min readApr 17, 2022

I hope you are fine, stable, and in a good mood when you read this. We get confused, upset, and feel destroyed, useless at some period in life. However, as time passes and days pass, things change. They go on a positive path in a new, unique, and different way. Nothing lasts forever. Things fade away with the passage of time. Sometimes it takes a long time and a lot of mental health, but eventually it goes away and you get better.

Every day, nature provides us with an example of the sun. It never forgets to rise in the morning and to set at the end of the day. And now is the time for the moon to shine brightly in the darkest darkness.

Being the best or the only one is important. Finally, it makes no difference whether the statement is made during the day or at night. Getting to a certain place in life takes a lot of effort, patience, and consistency. It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or 60; the struggle is the same.

However, as we progress through it, it teaches us a slew of valuable lessons. Some lessons our unforgettable and some mistakes are unforgivable. But once that phase is over, nothing else matters. The only thing that matters then is our happiness and the happiness of those who love us.

Changes occur suddenly in a lifetime. Things that we couldn’t have predicted happen so fast and without warning.

Things that we can’t conceive happen so quickly that we don’t have time to think about or absorb what has just occurred or altered. That time period is crucial, sensitive, and difficult, but it is worthwhile when the outcomes are positive.

Life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes we meet with those speed breakers that inflict so much damage that it takes time to repair. Life carries on and bumpers appear, but they won’t last for much longer… My arms will not hurt if I hold a glass of water for 10 minutes, but they will hurt if I hold the same glass of water for two days. The same is with thoughts if we hold them for a long period of time, the damage is ours. Letting things go and predicting that things might get better. That “MIGHT”, a ray of hope is what will take us a long way and give us the power to face those crucial times.




Experiencing, learning and sharing through the magic of words.